In response to COVID-19, Henrico schools will delay redistricting process

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Gov. Northam’s stay-at-home
order, in effect until at least June 10, the Henrico County School Board
will delay the school division’s comprehensive redistricting process.
The final stages of the process — including presentations, public
hearings and the vote which had been scheduled for May 28 — will occur
at an undetermined time when the public can once again be engaged.

The School Board announced the decision in a joint statement today from
its five members: Roscoe Cooper III, Fairfield District representative
and chair; Michelle “Micky” Ogburn, Three Chopt District representative
and vice chair; Kristi Kinsella, Brookland District representative;
Marcie Shea, Tuckahoe District representative; and Alicia Atkins, Varina
District representative.

“We are extremely grateful to the 67 members of the Henrico County
Public Schools Redistricting Committee, whose hard work since September
2019 is now considered complete,” said the statement. “… their efforts
and dialogue with the community have produced two maps for further
consideration (options D4 and E4) as well as survey results. The options
and supporting information will be vital to the Board’s redistricting
work as we move forward. The Board will continue to review the
committee’s work so that when public hearings are rescheduled, the Board
will be ready to respond to public feedback with revisions to D4 and E4
as may be necessary, and ultimately bring the process to a vote.

“For now however, we recognize the community’s need to focus on the
current health crisis, and we will be making no final decisions at this

Updates about the redistricting process will continue to be posted as
they become available on the school division’s redistricting webpage,


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